Let's face it.
As a leader, sometimes it's hard to be positive 24/7. The work load, the challenges, the office politics, the dramatic rollercoasters ridden by others, and then intermix the daily intricacies that our personal lives add to the equation, and even the most optimistic leader can feel like falling off the positivity train.
Have you considered positive daily affirmations? Whether recited in the shower, written on a post-it on one's desk, or in the car on the way to work (I keep mine posted on my visor), eight to ten daily affirmations can really help us refocus.
Here are a few of mine for consideration on your short list:
Presume positive intent. (There are always many ways to put a spin on a situation. What if you presume the intent was good in the behavior of others? Spin it, spin it, spin it.)
You are not your job - your job does not define you. (We all fall into that rut, right? We defined ourselves. Our jobs do not.)
You can protect your team. (When you're in middle management or the leader, often times there may be others who may try to affect your team in a negative way. Remember that you can protect your team.)
Treat others as you would want to be treated. (And then when you see injustices, feel compelled to talk to others about their behavior - don't be a bystander.)
The best way to gain power is to give it away. (Enough said.)
You can never give too much praise. (Just make sure it is well-intended, deserved and sincere. And then sit back and see how it can permeate through a department, a school site, an organization.)
Be an energy manager! (A department or a team really does have the ability to take on the energy level of its participants. If you're leading it, bring positive energy...and watch as the team mirrors it.)
Be gracious when you receive praise and acknowledgements. (For the longest time, I'd brush it off as it made me uncomfortable. Over time I learned that the praise bestowed by others is their gift to me. Regardless of how I might feel, I must accept that gift...graciously).
Be true to yourself. (Easier said than done. Sometimes moral or ethical issues will emerge at work. You know who you are. While it is important to contemplate the perspectives, ultimately, you know what you need to do. Be true to you.)
You are the change you want to see in the world. (It is much easier to sit back, safely sit on the sidelines. Be the change the world needs.)
And here are a few of colleagues who are like-minded, helpful and willing to share:
What you recognize you value.
People first. Family first.
What does your organization value? How do you know?
If you don't like it, change it.
Take the time to have the crucial conversations.
It's not meant to be personal.
Keep the focus on the students. They come first.
Sometimes there is no such thing as common sense.
Once you have them, then what?
Once you have your affirmations, find a way to reinforce them two to three times a day. Let them pull you into the positive scenario and mindset, even for a few minutes. Not only are they proven to help you improve your personal leadership skills, but when you share them with others, your impact spreads.