I love the anticipation that comes with the holidays....vacations....time with the kids off school...the new year ahead.

Maybe its the fresh scent of the cut Christmas tree in the living room, or the vision board I know I'll create for the 2019. And sometimes I wonder if its just the new start that comes with a new year.
Yes, resolutions may come and go, but that newness always returns every year.

The Dutch have a word for that special anticipation that comes with a big event, like the way the little ones search for the Elf on the Shelf as the big day inches closer of the excitement of presents suddenly arriving under the tree on Christmas morning.
The word is VOORPRET, which translates into the joy or pleasure of the actual fun event. What do I love to look forward to? Seeing a special friend. Getting a great book in the mail that arrives a day or two early (yes, that's fun to me!). Visiting Christmas in the Park. Running in a race (no, really, its not tortuous!)

What I love about VOORPRET is that it provides extra energy, a little boost, an added smile, butterflies in the tummy (most of the time). And it reminds us that we have a life outside of the work world...that we have something to look forward to, something to be grateful for, something to inspire us to take another step ahead.

And as the craziness of the holidays brings more traffic and often added stress, isn't the anticipation of the little things worth it? At this time of the year, give yourself permission to get gussied up, select that perfect gift, snuggle under a blanket, and do something super fun...just for you.
Want to read and see more? Check this out. And...hey....happy Monday!
* Read it.
Take a look at this blog article about making friends as an adult. Not as easy as it seems, especially when you think about loneliness and connections. It really goes into depth, with many hyperlinks, so you can explore as much as you want to.
Take a look and read it HERE.

Tony Robbins is a long time speaker, one I've always loved. If you have a bit of time, take a gander into his presentation on what anticipation really means. He starts out with the Wayne Gretzky example of skating to where the puck will be, and his business spin brings a professional connection to VOORPRET.
* Share it.
Can you print these and share them? Notes to colleagues on key topics like knowing they are cared for and that there is something to look forward to. Yes, it can make a difference. Print in color on cardstock …. practically free! Here are a couple to consider…. and to give frequently. It’s up to us to remind others that its okay to bring back those butterflies.
Now go slay yet another week!